We can keep one of two Laws: The Law of Pharaoh/Sin/Death or the Law of God/Torah/Life. Those are our only choices. Now, which side are you on?
Pharaoh lets us stay in a beautiful land, but gives us nothing but death and spirit-crushing labor. He sets us to gathering straw to make bricks for the edifices of our own slavery.
God takes us into a barren wilderness, but gives us life and makes us into a nation. He sets us to gathering manna and keeping a #torah that builds us up and sets us free. So choose you this day whom you will serve. Will it be YHVH/life or Pharaoh/death?
Marten Perdue
Law of liberty.
Law that provides liberty.
Liberty from what?
From the bondage of sin, darkness, evil.
There is one way, and one way only, to lead a holy life.
Praise YHWH.
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