Mike Wagner  shared a  post
2 yrs

(sorry this is long, and maybe not super enlightening, but it was for me) Epiphany moment: His law is GOOD. Not just in an adjective way. He created light and it was GOOD. He separated the light from the dark and it was GOOD. Loving Him with all your heart is GOOD, loving others as ourselves is GOOD. Ect ect ect. If whatever in your life cannot be called GOOD it is not of HIM. He is GOOD, that is His law!

Maybe this is obvious because it is soo simple, but it wasn’t for me. Following Him has been confusing and hard, not knowing what all I needed to do, not feeling like I had enough time, not feeling like I was good enough. But that’s the point we aren’t GOOD. We aren’t Him, and because we cannot be GOOD because we have been tainted by the knowledge of GOOD and Evil, He gave us a way to be GOOD. It is not about the GOODNESS we do (because that is all Him), it’s about our heart being postured towards it. Literally it is the thought that counts, and when our thoughts, our intentions are aligned with His GOODNESS then when the darkness is separated we can abide in only Him which is GOOD.

This is not to say the Torah doesn’t apply, because it does, it is GOOD. It separates, waves a banner and keeps us aligned with His GOODNESS. If Yahusha doesn’t cause your heart to be repentant, to turn to GOOD nothing else will. He is the only way.

What a surprise it would be when that time comes to see who enters in. How simple it is, and yet even pretty learned I missed it.

We all miss the mark (sin) of His GOODNESS.

So wave the Banner, sound the Drums, shout to the North and the South, East to the West. His Kingdom Come His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. For He has come to Separate, and hence the GOOD and the Bad.

There are only 2 Houses (think Of House in the terms of a Kingdom, you wear their sigil, their banner and represent them) you either Represent the House of Yah, or you don’t. His Kingdom is advancing, His people are rising up, and it is a beautiful thing.
No wonder His yoke is actually easy, because it is GOOD. When applying the measure of His GOODNESS to His Word you can see how everything connects.

Anyways, maybe something obvious. Maybe something everyone here already put together, but today I was reminded how un-good that I am. How I constantly just miss the mark over and over. How I just want to be GOOD! All GOODNESS comes from Him, and that is where I want to be. That is all, may YAH be with you!