Question: who/what are we as Yahs people at war with?
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Iain Mcclain_wilhelm Melket Näher
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Garth Grenache
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2) the false gods attributed to the legal system, e.g. "State"s and "Government"s which we have no duty to or part of
3) the cults ("cult"ure comes from the root "cult" and societies which deviate from Yah's word and will
4) those whom would willfully do evil and seek to justify it by unfruitful works of darkness of the mind
5) Soon: Androids, A.I.s and Electronic systems which seek to enslave all things and to securitize them and "monetize all of reality" to convert it to "game property" for gamification under a Religious Social Credit System rooted in concepts like US Patent WO 2020 060606
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James 1:23 NLT
Most likely ourselves is the war we face?
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the fallen powers and principalities get immediately identified once we clarify that we are at war against the intangible destruction which causes tangible destruction
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Danny Brickles
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