Thought for Today: Sunday June 19:

You cannot stop a baby’s cry by giving him a rattle when he is hungry. He will keep on crying until his hunger is satisfied by the food his little body demands. Neither can the soul of a mature person be satisfied away from YHVH. King David described the hunger of every human being when he said: [As a deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You my Elohim] --- Psalm 42:1. SO, May your capacity for the things of YHVH increase and your understanding of His Love exponentially grow. May your faith in His Promises be steadfast and your view of yourself be healed because He Loves you. May Yeshua stir up in you a fresh hunger and passion to know Him more intimately. May He give you a gift of faith that swallows up your fears. May He plant a dream in your soul that fits you perfectly. And may He show you the sacred path you must take to lay hold of it. May you all have an enormous, blessed and restful day.