Don't hold onto a belief so tightly that Scripture, the Spirit, and reason can never make you let go. Everyone is wrong sometimes, even about extremely important subjects.
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Jay Carper
My immediate reaction was incredulousness. How could anyone read this image and think *that* is the appropriate response? But as I read on, I could tell that he was perfectly serious. Not only was he serious, but he was angry, bitter at a world that refused to acknowledge a truth that was plain as day to him. By the time I got to the end...I was angry and disgusted that there are people lost in such hopeless fear and intent on pulling other people down with them.
I deleted his comment, hopefully before anyone else saw it. Despite the obvious absurdity of his assertions, clearly a lot of people are eager to believe. My sincere hope is that I can intercept some of those people before they get lost in fear and confusion, help lead them back to solid ground in reality.
I felt sorry for this commenter and sorrier that experience tells me there is probably nothing I can do to help him. He is so thoroughly convinced of so much patent nonsense that he's far more likely to be helped by a psychiatrist-exorcist tag team than by a conversation with anyone on the Internet. I'm sure some time in prayer and Scripture reading--a pious-sounding solution, to be sure--would help, but I suspect he's already got that covered in spades.
But what he really, really needs more than anything else, is to get off the Internet and connect with a meatspace community of people who care about him enough to love him in spite of his insanity.
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