Do we try to eliminate pagan words as we are told to do in the Scriptures? In the English language it is common even among believer’s to utilize PAGAN words and never bother to try to rephrase. Are we not supposed to have left Babylon?
When in doubt look it up. Does your vocabulary line up with the Creator’s? Are we really being imitators of The Messiah or worldly traditions?
I think we ALL MUST AGREE we’re here because of our LOVE for Yah.
For starters, let’s eliminate the word Lord which means Ba’al. Wouldn’t you agree The Great I Am HATES this pagan title and deity? We are to step away from the old ways and increase in knowledge.
Baal means: Lord
Karri Tapia
Next word to eliminate: God....
Despite differences on HIS name.....He DOES have a name! All the other pagan Gods have a name, which we call them by....but yet we put our Creator in a box and just call Him "God" (thinking capitalizing the G in that word somehow makes a difference in) without acknowledging the fact He has a beautiful name! He is called Yah for short 43 times in the O.T., can we atleast start there? Then maybe realize there was no letter J or V in ancient Hebrew in which He spoke to Moses! That should narrow it down a bit for some?
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