Daily Prayer:
Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for You sent the prophets, John the Baptist and the Apostles to prepare Your way. You have told us of Your coming and You reveal Yourself to us in Yeshua. You come to each of us in power and in love. Blessed are You Father. Adonai, we give thanks for all who tell of Your love and who proclaim Your coming. We ask Your blessing on all disciples, preachers and upon all here on TTN who teach the Scriptures and tell of Your coming. Bless all who are baptised into Your presence and power. Adonai, we ask forgiveness when Your Church misuses the resources You have given it and when we fail to live up to You teaching and love. We bring to You the troubles and sorrows of our world. We pray for all who are caught up in war and violence and all who suffer from the greed and insensitivity of others. May we not misuse or squander the earth’s resources but use them with care and for the benefit of all. We ask Your blessing on all leaders, politicians and governments. We ask Your blessing upon all who do not look forward to the future. We ask Your blessing on all who are homeless, lonely and all who are poor or deeply in debt. We pray that our homes may be places of love and peace, where You are always welcome. May we know that in the coming of others to us, You also come and seek our love. We think of those who are ill and suffering at this time, all who are distressed and those who are over-burdened. May they know Your peace and experience Your presence. May all who walk in darkness come to know Your Light and Your love. We pray for all who are in hospitals, hospices, care homes and in institutes. We think of all our loved ones departed and we pray for those who have died recently. May they rejoice in the fullness of life and be with You in glory. Adonai, fill us with Your Spirit, forgive us and take the lead and guide us in Your ways. We ask for Your ways and not ours, Your Will and our will be done in everything. In the mighty Name of Yeshua Mashiach we pray, amein.