Yahusha knows that we struggle with fears and worries and anxiousness. He knows our hearts. He knows we are frail humans, often subject to our own rogue emotions and to circumstances beyond our control. He understands when our over-stimulated brains won’t shut down. He perceives when our minds rotate an upsetting incident over and over. He knows that fear and anxiety crash into our faith, making it hard to believe Him.
When the apostle Peter dared to step out of the boat (see Matthew 14: 28-33), he began to sink because he feared the waves. Aren’t we the same? We attempt to be brave and then surges of angst knock us off balance, and we sink. And yet, with deliberate brevity, yahusha gives us two simple instructions: “Don’t be afraid. Just believe.”
This is exactly what our anxious hearts need to hear. Yah invites us to resist fear and believe Him over all the anxiety-producing events we’re experiencing. It’s an irresistible invitation that lovingly reminds us who He is: a steadfast anchor who is greater than our storms. He is our unwavering, water-walking help, and He is right there in the wind and waves with us. Yahusha is our Prince of Peace. He beckons us to leave fear behind and trust Him, choosing to say in faith, yahusha, I will not be afraid. I will believe.
Don’t be afraid; just believe. (Mark 5:36 NIV)
Yahusha, when fear and anxiety crash into my faith and I am afraid, help me to trust You and follow Your two simple instructions. Teach me to remember that You are greater than all my fears. Thank you that when my emotions go crazy You are the stabilizing force right beside me, greater than every storm, and You are good.
I believe, yahusha that You are greater than all the upheaval in my heart. I believe that You are able to deal with all that concerns me. I believe that You are the Prince of Peace. Thank you for calming my heart and helping me to always accept Your loving invitation. Help me not to be afraid, but to believe. In yahusha name, amen.