I used to listen to Glenn Beck back when he was funny and lighthearted, before he went to CNN. His radio show was hilarious. He and his sidekick would run pranks on people that were hysterical. Sometimes I would have to pull over I was laughing so hard.

Then he went to CNN and got really dark. His radio show turned into outrage and conspiracy stuff. I had a driving territory back then and spent hours every day in the car. His show was on early so I caught it very often. I went from being entertained and lightly informed to being saturated in fear and outrage. This was 2009/2010.

I found my behavior changing. Glenn would predict doom and gloom every single day. Rampant inflation was coming, rampant deflation was coming, on and on. Start buying stuff. Buy all the shoes your kids will ever need. Rage, paranoia, rinse, repeat as necessary.

Then the GOP retook the House. It was a huge victory on election night. The MSM was in tears. The next day Glenn was still on doom and gloom. The election didn't matter. The sky was still falling. Not a moment of joy that the country had shifted in the right direction. Just fear, paranoia, and angst. I turned him off at that moment and decided I was no longer going to live like that.

In hindsight, all his predictions were dead wrong. He had built an audience with fear. Only he knows the truth and you have to listen to him every day to know the truth. This business model was so successful that it has been copied by countless others, many making a killing off YouTube predicting fear day after day, often with brooding music as a backdrop.

I'm not living like that. I have a beautiful, God-fearing wife, wonderful kids, a modest house in the country, a solid ministry, and a solid career. My kids are starting life and accomplishing great things. Life is pretty good. Yours may not be as good as mine, or it may be better, but enjoy today. Enjoy life!