Koli Mishtachaveh Lefanecha, Elohei Tseva'ot, El Gibor, El Shadai, Lichvod Shimcha Hakol Nivra Beyadech. Ve'ata Ken Ata, Gam Hiskanta Kol Drachai. Ata Kadosh, nisa me'al HaShamayim. Ata Karov, Shochen Betoch Libi. Ata Kadosh, Ein Kamocha Bashamayim. Ata Karov, Tamid Ata Imi. Lifney Hivased Tevel Ata Ha'Yita. Yode'a HaKol, Yode'a Gam Et Shmi. Avo, Avo Lifnei Kes Kvodecha. Bizchoot Damo Shel Yeshua Moshee'ee. Ata Kadosh, nisa me'al HaShamayim. Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech HaOlam!
(I bow before You O God, Lord of Hosts. Almighty God, all was created by Your Hand and for Your Glory and You know all my ways. You are Holy, exalted above the Heavens. You are near, dwelling in my heart. You are Holy, there is none like You in heaven. You are near, always with me. Before the world was created You were. You know everything, You also know my name. I will come before Your Throne of Glory thanks to the Blood of my Saviour Yeshua. You are Holy, exalted above the Heavens. Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the universe)
A Beautiful song on YouTube --- Praise to our God 5 Concert Ata Kadosh (You are Holy)
Ashlyn Bezuidenhout
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