Family the difficult part in life might seem to fight all evil. The book of Job makes it clear that suffering happens to YHVH's people in catastrophic ways. It also shows that suffering can be connected to what is going on in the spiritual world. There are forces at work behind what we see which we have no idea about. Job did not receive answers to the “why” of his suffering, but instead he worshiped YHVH in the midst of deep pain Job 1:20

When the battle is too big for us to handle, the battle is not ours.

Job acknowledged YHVH's power and majesty when YHVH did answer him Job 42.

Something to consider:
A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. (CJ Lewis)

Only when we grasp who YHVH is and can think about how Allmighty He is by unmeasured Sovereignty, then we can find peace knowing nothing is impossible for Him.

Evil wants us to believe our situation is hopeless. But in fact he is a liar. We find comfort by knowing our Redeemer is, will always be and even in everlasting still exist. Sin has no power and we have a “merciful and faithful high priest” who made forgiveness possible for us and who atoned for all our sins. Hebrews 2:17

Psalm 34:8
YHVH is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows those who take refuge in Him.

We may not have the answers to all of our questions, but we may know His peace, presence and purpose for our life is to know He is a God of possible, no matter whatever our circumstances.

We praise YHVH our Elohim Adonai Allmighty and give Him Glory for taking our battles into His more than capable hands.
