Daily Prayer
Blessed are You Adonai, our Salvation; to You be the glory and praise for ever. When we have erred and strayed, You seek us out; You love searches for us and desires to bring us home to the light of Your presence. As we rejoice in Your Son, our Redeemer and Shepherd, stir in us the same compassion for others as You have for us, that we may help to reveal Your glory in this world. Loving Father YHVH, we give You thanks that You have called us to share in showing Your love to the world. Bless all who are called to be pastors, priests, ministers, rabbi’s, teachers of Your Word and all who give evidence to Your grace. Give to Your Church a sense of mission and outreach, that it may share in Your redemption. We pray for all our farmers; all who provide us with food and the necessities of life. We ask Your blessing on all who are homeless or hungry tonight; we pray for refugees and asylum seekers, all who suffer from poverty and all who have a difficult financial problem. We thank You Father for our lives and all that we have. We ask Your blessing upon all our homes and our loved ones. We pray for our community and all who suffer from loneliness or the inability to cope with what is happening to them. Father, You are our hope and our strength and we come to You for refreshment, renewal and strength. Let all who feel fearful, all who are weak, all who are struggling, those troubled in mind and those in distressed in spirit turn to You. We ask Your touch on all who are ill, with a disability or on their death bed. We ask forgiveness for our sins, our bad thoughts and our shortcomings. We give You thanks and praise that through Your Son, our Master, we shall not perish but have everlasting life. We rejoice in the fellowship of all Your saints and we pray this prayer in the Name of our Adonai Yeshua Mashiach, amein.