I've wanted to do a comic on labels for some time now, but never thought of a good way of doing it. Everyone wants to put everyone else in a bucket. Early on this walk when my wife had met with friends and networking partners, they would ask her where she went to church. Those formerly in church know there is only one reason for this question: to know what you believe. The different denominations have different beliefs and depending on how you answer tells the asker your belief set, whether or not that is actually your belief set.

For example, just before we started on this path we were going to an Assemblies of God church. At one point while there my wife wanted to work in the nursery. She had to sign a statement of faith form that we both went through. We pointed out several things on the sheet that we didn't agree with, in our view, incorrect interpretations of the Bible. So if someone would have asked us back then "where do you go to church" and we gave that church, they would have lumped us in with those beliefs.

While it may look like I am using "a Bible believer" as a label, I am not. This is just a statement, and I even include some sub-bullets to further expand the statement. Until the Father shows me something that tells me I should get behind a label, I probably will never get behind one. There are too many out there that will jump to a label and hold onto it and then spread whatever extra-Biblical thought/teaching they have until it gets associated with that label. You can already see this with labels that do have a Biblical backing such as Hebrew Israelites and Natzarim/Nazarenes.

Don't get hung up on labels. Get hung up on following our Messiah's example.


#bible #biblestudy #webcomic #cartoon #christian #church #messianic #hebrewroots