STORY TIME: Recently, I had a friend confront me about one of the books I've published. He had saw it at another friend's house, but had no idea I had a book. I kind of laughed when he asked if it was new and said it was from last year. Then I told him it was my second book, and a third is on its way. He said that I needed to market myself more. This is the reason you might have noticed a little blurb about merchandise below the hashtags on comics recently.

I think most of us can relate to that is hard to do. I don't do these comics to come on here and sell people stuff. I made the books as I've always wanted to write books, and having a physical copy of something just resonates more with me than digital. If you have followed my facebook/instragram page for a long time, you will know it started out as just promoting T-shirts I was designing. As I started making comics, the page transitioned to comics and the T-shirts went to the wayside.

All that to say: yes, I have merchandise related to the comics, as well as other things I have designed, available for purchase. If you would like to support me and what I do, please consider checking the link out. I have other things I've worked on there as well. If you have any ideas or things you would like to see, please feel free to reach out and let me know.

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