Thought for Today: Thursday October 20:

Go gently through this day and keep your eyes focused on YHVH Elohiym. Trust in Him and He will open the way before you, as you go through this day. Sometimes, the way before us appears to be blocked. If we focus on the obstacles or search for a way around it, we will probably go off course. Instead, focus on Yeshua, the Shepherd Who is leading us along our life journeys. Before we know it, the [obstacles] will be behind us and we will hardly know how we passed through it. That is the secret of success in YHVH’s Kingdom. Although we remain aware of the visible world around us, our primary awareness is of Elohiym. When the road before us looks rocky, we can trust YHVH to get us through those rough patches. His Presence enables us to face each day with confidence.