Continuing in the book of James (Ya’akov), Rabbi Steve Berkson breaks down chapter 1…
• Does Elohim ‘entice’ anyone to do something against His commandments? How and why are you enticed to leave the Path?
• Does Yahweh change, ever?
• What is the definition of a “remnant”?
• By what term are we who are in covenant with Elohim called?
• When should you not post anything on social media (Facebook, twitter, etc.)
• What is the first action you should take after praying when faced with a life issue?
• How are you to be “swift to hear and slow to speak”?
• What is “Failure to Adult” and why is an epidemic today?
• A Doer of Work?
Rabbi Berkson once again dissects the words in these passages so that you will have a deeper understanding of what Yah expects of you, so that you can do it and receive the blessings.
Related Teachings can be found here:
• Baptism of Fire
• Infocus: Worthy?!
• INfocus: You Sicko!
• Well Done, Good and Trustworthy Servant
• Are You Saved?
• INfocus: You’re Still Wrong
• Making Decisions…the reason you exist
• INfocus: The Fullness of the Intent
• INfocus: The Delusion Bubble
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