Shalom Shalom family ?

Our Heavenly Father our Creator and Almighty YHVH. Thank You for giving us another day that You have blessed us with the breath of life. Thank You for our daily bread and provisions. Tank You for blessing our family members, friends and giving us the strength to face every challenge upon our way. Please help us not to fear the future but to boldly trust that You are on the Throne and completely in control. Please give us Your Shalom when emotions plunge down, and whe in despair or feeling anxious. Please guard our thoughts, mind and spirit. Please keep, protect us from all evil, deliver us from this corruptive and and sick world. Please guard our lips not to speak evil or utter words that can harm. Help us to “Be still, and know that You are God”. Be our comforter, our healer and bring us Your surrendering peace and joy. Please forgive us our trespasses and sins against Thee and others. Heal all from sickness, diseases and restore us in Your completeness. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. YHVH we bless You for our lives, we give You praise for Your abundant mercy and grace we receive. We thank You for Your faithfulness. We ask for your Mighty Power to surround us.  Amein

Be blessed and stay blessed ?