Today's Poem:
His Loving Kindness
Awake my soul, in joyful lays
And sing thy great Redeemer’s praise
He justly claims a song from me
His Loving-Kindness, O how free
He saw me ruined in the fall
Yet loved me notwithstanding all
He saved me from my lost estate
His Loving-Kindness, O how great
Often I feel my sinful heart
Prone from my Saviour to depart
But though I have Him oft forgot
His Loving-Kindness changes not
Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale
Soon all my mortal powers must fail
O may my last expiring breath
His Loving-Kindness sing in death
Then let me mount and soar away
To the bright world of endless day
And sing with rapture and surprise
His Loving-Kindness in the skies