Siblings in Yeshua: Looking at Noah, and how YHWH spoke to Noah and gave *him* the vision, and Noahs wife and family followed his(Noah's) instructions (God told Noah, not Noahs family- the family had to trust and believe Noah)- *IF* we take the statement "A wifes main role is in support of her own husband, his mission and calling- and being an "Joseph type" excellently managing all her husband has and provides, "- as a given thing, - how does that statement( being fact in this scenario) affect believers interacting with one another as they go about the work(whether for the kingdom or secular type work) ?
*topic opener questions * i.e. Does the woman have the right to go seek second opinions on/about her husbands wishes/"ideas" and vison?
Does another man(married or not) have the right approach a woman(married or not(but especially if married) directly and Ask/ask for something, or Tell her something(s) without the Prior permission of her father or husband?
(please add your own opinions and questions too(as well as your scripturally based opinion on these questions)
What happens when a woman rejects her husbands vision(for whatever reason)? does she have the right to go further another mans vision? or mix her husbands views with that of another man/mans teachings ?
If a man makes a mistake, gets something wrong, does that give the woman(married or not- but especially married) "permission" to go support another mans vision/teaching?
what scripturally (if anything) would absolve the wifes/daughters first responsibility being to her own husbands/fathers family vision and calling?
*hoping someone answers and gets the ball rolling so we can all study this out.