Don't let this be you right now. I almost let this be me. Recently I got a nasty-gram from our city about the length of our grass. I've let it grow to the same height all season so far. I don't like putting chemicals and stuff on the yard and in my experience letting it grow a little extra makes the grass greener and work out the weeds on its own.

Anyway, I got this nasty-gram. I was upset. I call up there. I get no answers to specific questions about acceptable length. I pretty much wasted my breath and time on the phone asking about this situation. It comes time to mow again, I haven't let the nasty-gram go. While mowing I keep thinking of all these different things I could do to prove I wasn't in the wrong. Or to be an absolute pain to the city within their own ordinances. Or to keep these officials on their toes and ensure they aren't hypocrites threatening to fine me for my yard when theirs is just as "bad".

Then it hits me: what am I doing? Is this something I should be worried about? Is this furthering the Kingdom? Does any of this matter? The above comic came shortly after that.

While my example seems minor, there are those out there getting caught up in major world concerns as well. No matter the severity of the issue, just remember: don't let whatever it is not allow you to shine your light. Don't let those concerns choke the Word out to where it is fruitless. If we look through history, there are always major worldly concerns. Some pass without anything happening, some come to fruition. In the end though, does it matter?

#bible #biblestudy #webcomic #cartoon #christian #church #messianic #hebrewroots


The Straight + Narrow - Some fell into thorns

Some fell into thorns