Daily Prayer

Blessed are You Lord our God, for You have created light to dispel the darkness and have shone in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus our Christ. We rejoice that all power and might come from You. Loving Father, we pray for all who do not know, who do not love You and those who have hardened their hearts against You. We pray for all whose life is joyless or governed by rules rather than love. May Your Church be willing to accept and welcome all who come seeking You and Your love. Teach us to be generous in our dealings with each other. We give thanks for the many talents and abilities of Your people. We rejoice in each other’s gifts and uniqueness. We pray for all who are restricted by tyranny or the dominance of others. We pray for all who are in refugee camps or are homeless. We pray for all who feel unloved and neglected. We thank You for our own homes and the love and acceptance that is there. We pray for homes where life is oppressive or adventure smothered. We pray for all who are leaving home for the first time and their loved ones. We give thanks for homes where there are new born life and where Your love is growing. Loving Father, we pray for all who walk in darkness and live in fear. We pray especially for those who are persecuted, abused or neglected. We pray for those who are depressed and lonely and all who are struggling to survive. We pray for all who are ill, with a disability, injured or on their death bed. We pray for the victims of war and especially crime and violence. We ask that You forgive us our sins, wrong mindsets and wrong words. We thank You for this night and ask if it is in Your will to keep us safe. We pray this in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amein.