Daily Prayer

Blessed are You our Creator, for You have made us and we belong to You. You have revealed Your love for us in the coming of the Messiah our Lord and in the sending of the Holy Spirit. Holy Father, we ask Your blessing upon all who seek to care for Your people. We pray for all workers of Your Church, those who preach the Word, administer Your sacraments and show pastoral care. May we all share in Your outreach and mission of love. We pray especially for those who are reaching out to the confused and the lost. Father, we ask Your blessing upon all of Your creation. We pray for all who are struggling against evil, war, crime or poverty. We pray for all who share in Your redeeming work through their caring for others and seeking to bring them freedom. We pray for all relief workers who help others in disaster areas. Lord, we ask Your blessing upon our homes, loved ones and families. We pray for all who are lonely, homeless or hungry. We pray especially for our young people living on the streets of our towns, villages and cities and all whose lives were diminished by circumstances they could not avoid. Father, we ask Your blessing on all who are ill, with a disability and their loved ones caring for them. We pray for all who are anxious, depressed and fearful. We pray for those who cannot cope on their own. We ask Your blessing upon all carers, hospital workers and emergency and rescue workers. We ask that You forgive us our sins and that You teach us to forgive those who sin against us. We pray this pray in the name of Jesus Christ our King and seal it with the seal of the Holy Spirit, amen.