Daily Prayer
Blessed are You Adonai our YHVH, for You are always ready to help and protect us. You are a present help in all our needs and troubles. Blessed are You Most High YHVH. Abba, You are our Redeemer and we thank You for Your Grace throughout the whole world. We pray especially for the believers in Muslim countries. We ask Your blessing on all believers who are persecuted or penalised for their faith in You. We pray for all believers who are exiled or imprisoned because they believe in You. We pray for all who are struggling with doubt and those who lack any teaching in the faith. We give thanks for South Africa and its freedom but we pray for the next of kin of the farmers who are killed, and the people who are homeless at this time. We ask Your blessing on the world’s poor and all who are unable to use their abilities and talents. Bless the work of all charity and welfare organisations and all who strive to relieve injustice and poverty. We give thanks for the love and protection of our parents. We ask Your blessing upon our homes and all our loved ones, that they may live in peace be free from poverty. We pray for all the children who have been taken into care and all families who find it difficult to cope. We pray for all parents who have lost a child recently. We give thanks for the medical profession, maternity departments and all who care for our well-being. We ask Your blessing upon all who are ill at home or in hospital and all who are give birth in this time. We pray for those who are injured in accidents, in war, in crime or through acts of violence. We pray especially for families where there is a child who is ill or suffering. We give thanks Abba that You are our Redeemer; that You seek that we should not perish but have everlasting life. We pray for friends, family and colleagues at work. We rejoice in the fellowship of all Your saints and ask that we may share with them in Your glory. Abba, we ask that You hear our prayers, that You help us and save us. We pray and ask this in the Name of Yeshua Moshiach our Saviour, Your Son, amen.