Daily Prayer

Blessed are You Adonai our YHVH, Elohiym of Heaven and Earth. In You and in Your love heaven and earth are one. You have sent Your Son Yeshua, our Saviour, to lead us back into Your Kingdom. You have called us to work with You and have given us Ruach Kodesh. Blessed are You Abba my King, my Redeemer and my Comforter. Abba, we give You thanks and praise that we may share in Your Kingdom here on earth and that in Yeshua Moshiach we see our humanity and Your Divinity as one. We ask Your blessing on all disciples of Your Word, on all who proclaim Your presence by their actions and their love. We pray for all who are seekers and that we may know You better and love You more. We pray for all who are being prepared for baptism or confirmation and all who are seeking to commit their lives to You in love. We pray for peace on earth and among all people. We ask Your blessing on all who strive for justice and peace and for all who seek to bring unity and fellowship between cultures and nations. We give thanks that Yeshua was born into an earthly family and shared in our daily lives. May we know that our homes and loved ones are part of Your Kingdom. We ask Your blessing on every home where there is strive and division, deceit and distrust. We give thanks that nothing can separate us from Your love. We pray for and ask Your blessing on all who are ill, lonely or oppressed. We pray for those in hospitals, hospices or in care homes and for all who care for them. We bring before You all who despair, all who have lost hope or any vision of Your love. Loving YHVH, You invite us to delight in Your presence and to live in Your Kingdom. Adonai, keep us in life eternal. Take control of every aspect of our lives and let Your will be done in each of them. In Yeshua' Name we pray, amen.