Daily Prayer

Baruch Attah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam, blessed are You Adonai our YHVH ROHI, King of the universe for You have revealed Your hidden glory to us in the face of our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach. You are always with us and always willing and ready to hear our prayers. You have called us by our Name and wait for us to turn to You. You have chosen us to work with You and You seek to fill us with Ruach HaKodesh. We give thanks for men and women of prayer who have revealed Your love and helped us to know of Your presence, in their churches. We pray tonight for all evangelists, ministers, rabbi’s, teachers of Your Word and all who bear witness to Your glory. We pray for the troubles and sadness of our world. We lay our hands in the spirit on, and pray for all who have lost their vision, who are blind to Your goodness and unaware of Your presence or Your love. We pray for those who feel that life is without purpose and meaningless. We give thanks for all who love us, for our families and our friends. We know that You reveal Your love through their love. We ask Your blessing on homes where there is little or no love, where there is violence, neglect or mental abuse. We give You thanks for all who have been called to share in Your healing powers and we ask that you bless all doctors, paramedics, fire personnel, security forces, police and ambulance staff. We ask Your comfort on all who are sick, with a disability, on their death bed or all who have lost a loved one recently. We ask Your blessing on all who are struggling with life, who are anxious, depressed or who are in financial difficulty. We rejoice and give thanks for Adonai Yeshua Who share in our prayers and makes intercession for us in heaven. We ask that You teach us to forgive others as You forgive us and we ask Your compassion to forgive us our sins. We pray this in the Mighty Name of our Saviour Yeshua Moshiach, amen.