A healing prayer for freedom from confusion

1 Corinthians 14:33 --- Jeremiah 33:3 --- 2 Timothy 1:7 --- Psalm 119:165 --- James 3:16 --- Psalm 34:14 --- Romans 12:18 --- Proverbs 3:5-6 --- Psalm 55:22 --- Philippians 4:6-7 --- Isaiah 40:29 --- Philippians 4:13, 19 --- John 16:23

Healing Promise:
“For YHVHis not an author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints” (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Healing Prayer:
Almighty Heavenly Abba, how I thank You and praise You that You are not the author of the confusion I am experiencing. I believe You are the Author of peace in my life and I ask You to remove all confusion from my mind. Your Word ensures me that when I call unto You, You will answer me and show me great and mighty things that I do not know. Thank You Abba. Abba, thank You also for giving me a Spirit of love, power and a sound mind. I claim Your promises now as I pray. I love Your Word Abba and I believe Your promise of peace, which is available to all who love Your Law. Thank You for Your Word which enables me to rise above all confusion. Abba, help me always to void all envy and strife, for they result in confusion and every evil work. Therefore, I will seek peace and pursue it. To the extent that it depends on me, I will endeavour to live peacefully with all others. Abba, help me to trust in You with all my heart and not to lean unto my own understanding. In all my ways I will acknowledge You and I know You will direct my paths. As I cast my burden of confusion upon You, I know You will sustain me. Thank You Abba. Instead of worrying Abba, I will let my requests be made known unto You. In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, I will pray to You. Remove all confusion to my mind. How I praise You my dear Abba, for the peace You are imparting to me. Truly it does surpass all understanding and it will keep my heart and my mind free from all confusion through Moshiach Yeshua. Hallelujah! Thank You for Your wonderful peace Abba. Give me Your power mighty YHVH and increase Your strength in me. I can do all things through Moshiach Who strengthens me. I rejoice in Your answers to my prayer and I thank You that You are supplying all of my needs according to Your riches in glory through Moshiach Yeshua. In the matchless Name of Yeshua I pray, amen.