Daily Prayer

Blessed are You our Holy YHVH, King and Creator of the universe. You give us life and You continually renew and refresh us with Your presence and Your love. You are the Strength of the weak and the light to all who walk in darkness. Holy is Your Name and all praise be to You. Adonai, may You grant us grace today that we can reveal Your joy and power in our daily living. We ask Your blessing upon Your people that it may be obedient to Your Word and seek to bring others to know Your glory. We ask You to bless all preachers and teachers of Your Word, that they may have the power to reveal You and Your love to others. Adonai Elohim, we pray that we may use the world aright. Let us not squander or waste the resources You have given us but use them to Your glory and the benefit of all. We pray for all who monitor our planet and its resources. We ask Your blessing upon all scientists and politicians and all people who work to care for and improve our world. We also pray for all people who suffer from deprivation, from poverty, from hunger and from homelessness. We give thanks for our own homes and all You have given us. We pray for those who provide us with our food and our daily needs. We ask Your blessing upon all who work to provide good homes and shelters to the poor of our world. We pray also for all those who are running out of resources. We pray for the fearful and the anxious, those who are sad and those who are lonely. We ask Your blessing upon all who are ill and cannot cope on their own; all those who through ageing and illness need regular care and attention. We pray for all carers and those who are working in the health service. We rejoice in life and that You give us life eternal. Renewing and restoring King, we pray for those who have loved ones departed and ask that they may rejoice in Your presence and in the fullness of eternal life. We commend them, the world, our friends, our families and ourselves to Your unfailing love. Abba, hear us and refresh us and accept this prayer for the sake of Your loving Son and our Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach, amen.