Daily Prayer

Blessed are You Almighty Elohim, Creator of Light. To You be the praise and glory for ever and ever. By the resurrection of Your Son, Yeshua our Moshiach to eternal life, You have destroyed the darkness of fear of death. Radiant life is ours through Him Who loves us, Yeshua, our Adonai and our Saviour King. Blessed are You Abba, Yeshua and Ruach Kodesh for You are One! We give thanks that You have called us to witness to Your resurrection and to Your presence. Help us Adonai Yeshua, to turn away from sin and to follow You. May Your people reveal Your glory to the world. We pray today for all who are persecuted for their faith in You, all who are struggling to make Your Name known in difficult areas. We pray for all who are full of doubt or fear, for those who are anxious, all whose lives are in danger through crime, violence or war and we pray for all who are locked away in prison or by painful memories, for all who are striving for new freedom and for hope in You. We give thanks for Your presence in our homes; that You are always with us. May all our families and friends know You as a Friend and Helper. Bless our families and loved-ones with Your abiding presence. We give thanks for the healing power of faith. We ask You to bless and guide all who heal. We pray for our doctors and surgeries and we ask that the ill and weary may know You as their present Help and Companion. We pray for all who are struggling at this time and who are financially under strain. Blessed are You, our Adonai and Saviour, for You have triumphed over darkness and death, opening the way for us to eternal life. Abba, we ask that You will forgive us our sins and teach us to forgive those who sin against us. We pray this in the Name of Your Son Yeshua Moshiach, amen.