Daily Prayer

Blessed are You Adonai our YHVH. You forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all iniquity. You give us a chance to start every day anew. Abba, may Your people be an accepting and loving Church. May it help those who are paralysed by fear and doubt. May it reach out to those who do not know of Your love and bring them to You. We know that we are part of Your mission and we pray for all who are involved in outreach. We pray for all who are struggling to survive. We pray for those suffering from drought or floods, from earth quakes and tsunami’s and all who are underfed or homeless. Bless all who work for the relief of the poor and troubled. We give thanks for our friends and family, especially for those who brought us to know You. We pray for all who teach Your Word, and all who set an example of care and love in our community. Adonai, let Your presence bring comfort to the suffering; may they know Your love and care. We pray for all who are paralysed, with a disability, sickness, injury or suffering from any illness. We pray for all who have lost a loved one recently and ask that You comfort them and give them peace. We give thanks for the power of the resurrection and that You offer us eternal life. We ask that You keep us save and that you fill our tongues with Your Word and our lips with love and thanksgiving to praise and worship You. We pray this in the Name of our Saviour King Yeshua Moshiach, amein.