Daily Prayer

Blessed are You Holy Abba. To You be all the praise and glory forever and ever, for You are our Light and our Salvation, hallelujah! You created light out of darkness and have brought Your Light to our lives through the birth of Your Son, our Saviour and Redeemer, Yeshua Moshiach. Blessed are You our YHVH. As our Adonai was brought into the Temple, we ask Your blessing upon Your people throughout this world. May we all share in the mission of our Moshiach and show that His Light is for all people and nations. We pray for all who are being baptised and all who are seeking to dedicate their lives in and to Your service. We pray for all Your faithful people, that Your light may shine through them and that they may be lights in the world. Abba, we pray for the time when all the kingdoms of this world may become the Kingdom of Moshiach our Adonai. We ask Your blessing on all leaders, rulers of nations and governments. Adonai, give wisdom to all who are in authority. We pray for all who influence our minds through the press and the media. As Joseph and Mary presented Yeshua in the Temple, we present all our young people to You and ask Your blessing over them, that they may be taught in Your ways and learn to love You. We pray for our own homes, our loved ones, schools, colleges and all universities. We pray for those who walk in darkness, those who are fearful, those who are anxious and all those who are depressed. We ask Your blessing on all people who are poor, all the people who are persecuted for Your sake, those who are hungry, the refugees, the homeless, those who are ill and all those whose lives are in danger. We rejoice in the fellowship of all Your people and ask Your blessing on all our loved ones and our friends. May they rejoice in Your light and in the fullness of life eternal. Hear our prayer Abba as we pray in the Name of our Saviour Yeshua Moshiach, amen.