In my experience, after coming to the knowledge and putting into practice all the items we have covered so far, people then feel the need to start telling everyone about it. What I am pointing out in the comic is something that I see way too often though: Telling people they are wrong "out of love". Looking back, I was probably even guilty of doing this at first as well.

I am sure everyone reading this knows of someone or has run into someone like this. If not, you might want to reevaluate yourself as you might be that person. Yes, we need to share truth. And coming into the knowledge of truth that has been not taught behind the pulpit is exciting, but there is a right way of sharing it. Going up to all your friends and family and telling them they are following a false god, participating in satanic rituals, or being sheep just following what they are told to do is NOT the right way. However, I see many, many people that go down this route.

We are called to love one another. Jesus said that it is how people will know we are His disciples. If I see someone headed toward a cliff edge and not realizing it, is it loving for me to insult them while I am warning them about the edge, or for me to just tell and show them the edge? On their end, which would they receive and listen to?

I see some people use the example of Jesus calling the Pharisees a brood of vipers as justification for their actions. This wasn't Jesus insulting people that didn't know any better. This was Jesus calling out people who He pointed out were hypocrites. They KNEW what they were supposed to be doing, yet were not doing it. Most of the cases I see where people are being abrasive to fellow believers to "show them the truth" is them going to someone who DOESN'T know about these things.

My last note that I have at the bottom of the sign in the comic is the one that seems to go right along with this brashness: pride. They found this knowledge and now are "experts" on it and no one can tell them otherwise. They've lost what got them to this point in their walk to begin with: humility.

If you find yourself correcting others more than you are sharing your testimony, please, please take a step back and reevaluate. As a friend of mine says: Witness daily, use words when necessary.

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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - Is this love?

Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - Is this love?