James 1:5-8 --- 1 John 1:9 --- Isaiah 50:7 --- Numbers 23:19 --- Hebrews 6:18 --- Psalm 18:30 --- Romans 10:17 --- Isaiah 55:11 --- Psalm 31:24 --- Psalm 118:6 --- Hebrews 10:35 --- John 15:16

Healing Promise:
[If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of YHVH, Who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts are like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.] -- James 1:5-6.

Healing Prayer:
Heavenly Abba, I ask You for Your wisdom to help me find complete freedom from all double-mindedness in my life. Thank You for giving so liberally to me when I ask in faith without doubting. I do so now Abba, fully realizing that my double-mindedness has prevented me from receiving from Your hands. Whenever I am double-minded, I become unstable in all my ways. Forgive me for thinking at variance with Your Word Abba and for any other form of double-mindedness. I thank You for Your promise to forgive me and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness, when I confess my sins to You. I believe this truth of Your Word Abba and I receive Your forgiveness and cleansing now as I pray. I realize that double-mindedness is having two opinions about the same subject and shifting back and forth from one opinion to the other. It does me no good to trust Your Word and then to turn around and doubt Your Word. Therefore Abba, I purpose in my heart and set my face like a flint to trust You and Your Word. I know that You are not a man and You do not lie, indeed it is impossible for You to lie. My Abba and my YHVH, Your way is perfect and Your Word is tried. Thank You for being a Buckler to me as I place my trust in You. I realize that double-mindedness stems from doubt, so I will pray and believe Your Word, because I know faith comes by hearing and hearing by Your Word. Abba, I re-affirm that Your Word will never return unto You void, but it will accomplish that which You please and it will always prosper in the things for which You sent it. Thank You my mighty Adonai and YHVH. How grateful I am that You have made it possible for me to be of good courage as You strengthen my heart. I hope in You my Adonai and my YHVH. You are on my side. Therefore, I will not fear anything. Rather, I will place my faith and hope in You Abba and I will not cast my confidence away by being double-minded any longer. Thank You mighty Name of Yeshua, amen.