So...focal suezures. A funny little thing I thought nothing of that I have had for as long as I can remember. My brain is malfunctioning and potentially swelling my brain and that's why I'm getting headaches on only half my head around the same time that I get uncontrollable shakes on the right side of my body. Focal can lead to general if I'm not careful. General means a full blown siezure. I've only had one general once. I was out for a bit. Almost drowned in a lake of melting snow at a paintball field if it wasn't for the woman I was supposed to marry before I proved the Word and burned that town to the ground. Wasn't just a bridge. She was amazing. Praise Yahuah for His creation and for my interactions! I just gotta be more careful and up the concentration of marijuana that I ingest and take in more B6 to really lower the opportunity of having these siezures. I have multiple a day. Mainly minor, but some are rough and I gotta sit or lay down. A few joints and I'm good to go. Natural medicine from Yahuah is not drug sorcery; drug sorcery is pharmacutical drugs. Praise Yahuah for life and death!