I recently listened to a speech about how there are many today that are starting to walk in the Father's commands and that they are putting too much focus on those commands. The speaker even went on to say how those same people have too much focus on the Scriptures. That these people need to focus more on loving others...

So, how do we love others though? Is love something we define? Is it just a feeling? Is it actions that society or our church/congregations get to define? Let's look at what Yeshua said on the matter:

Matthew 22:36-40 KJV
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

The two greatest commandments are about loving and ALL the other commandments hang from those. In the context we have here, wouldn't something hanging from something else imply it is part of it? In other words, to love God and love your neighbor is to do the Law and the Prophets? When we look at the commands in the Law we can easily put each of them in one of these two categories. If we aren't in the Scriptures to know what to do, how can we ever hope to love correctly? Those of us coming into this walk are usually looking for something more, something tangible. We aren't looking for the touchy-feely messages that may sound good but actually don't have any substance. We are looking for what we can do to be better people. How can we be more like our Messiah? How can we do what He did?

Just telling someone "go love someone" isn't as clear as some think it is. We live in a world that is trying to redefine what love is every day, and we have seen from history how what the world does creeps into the church. We need to get back to Scripture and let it define things for us. I would caution anyone to reconsider listening to someone telling you that you are in Scripture too much. If their point is that you are hearing but not doing, that's one thing. But, to just say you are in it too much, that's a red flag to me.


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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - How to love

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - How to love

Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - How to love