10 Virgins (Matthew 25:1–13)

I have been thinking for a number of years about what the "oil" in the parable could relate to. This morning I woke up with what I hope could be the meaning.

Psalm 119:105 says: "___ is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"?

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If ___ is the light to my path then the oil must represent whatever is causing ___ to "provide the light".

Proverbs 6:23 offers a companion thought: “For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life.”

If the answer is "Your word" then the oil can only represent (well, in my view at least) the reading/intake of the Word. That is why the 5 virgins tell the other 5 to go and get more oil. It took them time to go and get more understanding from the merchants and when they returned it was too late as the door was locked.

If a person could go to a merchant to get more of the Holy Spirit then I would spend all my life's earning to buy more, but that is not possible. I therefore do not believe it is the Holy Spirit. What we can do however is spend more time in His Word as it gives light to our path. We can actually pay to learn more...

When Yeshua returns and a person hasn't read the Word, how could you know that it is truly Him? You would have to go and study the Bible to see what the signs would be.

BUT if you are one of the wise virgins who have studied the Word and fell asleep while waiting on His return then you will have the "reservoir" of Scripture in you to continue to the wedding supper as you will know the signs and times. You won't have to first go and get more knowledge.

Does that make sense or am I missing the plot here? What are your thoughts on this?


The Holy Spirit
Your word
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