Almighty and most merciful Father, whose mercy has kept me from the grave, grant that I may reflect on my past life and repent of the days and years in which I ignored Your grace and neglected my salvation. Help me to use the time You have given me, so that I may become more diligent in the studies You have given me. When at last I shall be called in judgment, may I be received as a good and faithful servant into everlasting happiness. For the sake of Yeshua HaMashiach our Saviour. (Hosea 6).

O Adonai my Saviour and my Master, I, Your undeserving servant, with fear and trembling give thanks to Your loving goodness for all benefits which You have poured so abundantly upon me, Your servant. I fall down in adoration before You and offer You, O YAHVEH, my praises. With fervour I cry to You, O YAHVEH: Deliver me from all adversities, and mercifully fulfil in me those desires that may be pleasing to You. Hear me, O Adonai and have mercy, for You are the hope of all the earth. To You, with the Father and Ruach HaKodesh, be ascribed glory, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. (Joel 2).

O Adonai, look in pity on us poor pilgrims in the narrow way. Let us not go astray but reach at last our true home where our Father dwells. Guide and govern us from day to day, and bestow on us food and strength for body and soul that we may journey on in peace. Forgive us for having so often wavered or looked back, and let us march straight on in the way of your laws. May our last step be a safe and peaceful passage to the arms of Your love, and the blessed fellowship of the saints in light. Hear us, O Adonai and glorify Your Name in us that we may glorify you forever and ever. (Amos 5)

Blessed Adonai, who was tempted in all things like we are, has mercy on our frailty. Out of weakness give us strength. Grant to us your fear so that we may fear You only. Support us in time of temptation. Embolden us in time of danger. Help us to do Your work with good courage and to continue as Your faithful soldiers and servants to the end of our life; through Yeshua HaMashiach our Saviour. (Jonah 2).

O Adonai, greatest and most true light, from which the light of the day and of the sun springs! O Light, which lightens every human who comes into the world! O Light, which knows no night or evening but is always at midday most clear and fair! Without You all is utter dark- ness; by You everything is resplendent. O Wisdom, Father of mercies, enlighten my mind, so that I may see only those things that please You and be blind to everything else. (Micah 7).

Grant, Almighty YAHVEH, that we may learn to rely on You and so trust Your blessing that we would avoid stealing and plunder and all other evil deeds. Keep us from all unlawful coveting. Help us to fear You and so learn to bear our poverty on earth by being content with the spiritual riches You offer us in Your gospel. As partakers in that Good News, may we cheerfully aspire to that fullness of all blessings, which we shall enjoy when we are perfectly united to You through HaMashiach our Saviour. (Habakkuk 2).

O Adonai, help us to turn and seek You; for You have not forsaken Your creatures as we have forsaken You, our Elohim. Let us turn and seek You, for we know You are here in our heart when we confess to You, when we cast ourselves upon You and weep in Your bosom after all our rugged ways; and You gently wipe away our tears, and we weep more for joy; for You, Adonai, who made us, do remake and comfort us. (Zephaniah 2).

O YAHVEH, before whose face the generations rise and pass away: Age after age the living seeks You and finds that there is no end to Your faithfulness. Our forbears in their pilgrimages walked by your guidance and rested on your compassion. To their children You were the cloud by day and the pillar by night. Where but in You have we shelter from the storm and shadow, from the heat of life? Take now the veil from every heart, and join us in one communion with Your prophets and saints who have trusted in You and were not ashamed. Not because we merit it, but because of Your mercy, hear our prayer. (Zechariah 10).

Help me Adonai, to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church or closet nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that everywhere I am in Your presence. So may my every word and action have a moral content. (Malachi 2)