I don’t know where to put this, so I’m just gonna leave this here, I was thinking about the ocean pool. My mind isn’t just cold when I say it’s cool. I stare off in space until I drool and I don’t really talk because I feel like such a tool. I used to sit alone and drink myself stupid, now I just toke on this bar stool. I use jokes to cope, but I know I’m being a fool. If you can’t judge yourself then you have no right judging others, so that’s why even to myself, I’m cruel. I get the world needs a rule, but nuclear energy isn’t a good fuel. I’m glad being a mule and life experience has taught me more than school. I wasn’t always this way, I had to learn that life is a precious jewel.

The world is too busy building bombs to even attempt to make a single flower. The world is still stuck on what colour should have the most power. The Zionists will have their time for a time so I understand if you’re ready to run and cower, but I’m ready to stand in this bullet shower and no matter what anyone says, Silverstein got paid big bucks to turn his back on the government committing terrorism. Why does this matter? Because the Port Authorities owns the complex holding that tower! Every war we’ve ever been in has had parties playing both sides and I’m sorry if that puts a taste in your mouth that’s kinda sour. I talk enough, that if I don’t walk away, I’ll surely get my hour. I have so many questions, but I’m trying to be patient like not using to much flour.