We have seen the resurrection of HaMashiach; let us worship the Holy Adonai Yeshua, Who alone is without sin. We praise and glorify Your Holy resurrection. For You are our YAHVEH; we know no other, save for You. Upon Your Name we call. Come, all faithful ones, let us adore the holy resurrection of HaMashiach, for through the Cross, joy has come to the entire world. Ever blessing our Adonai, we sing praises of His resurrection. He endured the cross on our behalf and has destroyed death by death. (Matthew 28).

He lay with quiet heart in the stern asleep; Waking, commanded both the winds and the sea. HaMashiach, though this weary body slumber deep, Grant that my heart may keep its watch with Thee. O Lamb of YAHVEH that carried all our sin, guard my sleep against the enemy. (Mark 4).

O YAHVEH, who has taught us to seek first Your Kingdom and its righteousness, teach me to say, “Your will be done” before I say “Give me my daily bread.” Teach me to accept Your will as the foundation of my happiness, and other things as only its superstructure. I am more afraid of the hunger of the body than of the hunger of the spirit. Convince me that it would not profit me to gain the world and lose my soul. Show me that it is only the possession of my soul that makes the possession of the world any gain. Impress me with the truth that no thing can bring me joy if I myself am not already joyful. Inspire me with the knowledge that the issues of life are not from without but from within. Guide me into the discovery that the pleasures at Your right hand are the only things that are pleasures forevermore. (Mark 8).

It is right and proper that we should give You praise and hymns and glory, O uncreated Father of Yeshua HaMashiach, Who is Your only Son. We praise You because You are known by the only Son, proclaimed and explained by Him to created beings and known in turn by them. We praise You because You know the Son and reveal to the saints the glories that are His. We praise You because You are known by the Word You begot and are seen by the saints and understood by them after a fashion. Holy, holy, holy is our Adonai of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Heaven is full, earth is full of Your wonderful glory. (Mark 11).

Almighty YAHVEH, You inspired Your servant Luke, the physician, to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of Your Son. Graciously continue in Your church the same power to love and heal, to the praise and glory of Your name, through Your Son, Yeshua HaMashiach our Saviour and Adonai, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of Ruach HaKodesh, one YAHVEH Elohim now and forever. (Luke 1).

I am not worthy, Master and Adonai, that You should come beneath the roof of my soul: Yet since You in Your love toward all wish to dwell in me, in boldness I come. Open the gates, which You alone have forged; and You will come in with love toward all as is Your nature; You will come in and enlighten my darkened reason. I believe that You will do this: For You did not send away the harlot that came to You with tears; nor cast out the repentant publican; nor reject the thief who acknowledged Your kingdom; nor forsake the repentant persecutor, a yet greater act; but all of those who came to You in repentance were counted in the band of Your friends, who alone abide blessed forever, now and unto the endless ages. (Luke 5).