A healing prayer for you to use when you are afflicted with muscle disease (including muscular dystrophy, myasthenia, gravis, myalgia, etc.)

James 5:15 --- Ephesians 3:20 --- Isaiah 53:5 --- Psalm 77:14 --- Psalm 42:11 --- Exodus 15:26 --- Psalm 28:7 --- Acts 3:16 --- Psalm 147:3 --- Isaiah 41:10 --- Psalm 46:1 --- Psalm 55:22 --- John 16:23

Healing Promise:
“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Adonai shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him” (James 5:15)

Healing Prayer:
O my Adonai and my YHVH, I ask You in faith to heal me of the muscle disease and pain I have been experiencing. I know You are able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all I could ever ask or think, according to Your healing power which is at work within me. I claim all of Your healing promises as I pray, including the promise that assures me that healing has been provided for me through the stripes of Yeshua Moshiach my Adonai. My Abba God, You specialize in wonders and miracles and I ask You for a miracle of healing and total restoration to health. Thank You for declaring and providing Your strength to me. I hope in You my Adonai and my YHVH and I will ever praise you, for You are the YHVH Who is healing me. Hallelujah! Touch my body I pray and bring complete and total healing of ……….. in my muscles. Strengthen me Abba. Through faith in Your Name and in Your Word I know I will be strong. As I am praying my Adonai and my God, I receive the perfect soundness of mind and body You have in store for me. Thank You my Abba. How wonderful it is to know You are healing me and binding up all my wounds. I will not fear nor be dismayed, because I know that You are with me. You are my YHVH and even as I pray, I feel Your strength coursing through my muscles. Thank You for helping me, healing me and upholding me with the right hand of Your righteousness. It gives me great peace and joy my Adonai and my God, to know that You are a very present help to me in this time of trouble. Therefore, I cast all my burdens upon You knowing that You will always sustain me. Thank You for Your healing power which is at work in my life, defeating the curse of muscle disease and pain. In Yeshua’ Name I pray, amen.