Just a thought!

Father created this earth in 6 days and the 7th He rested. Now let us think about this: 2 Peter 3:8 say that 1000 years is like a day for Adonai and His day is like a thousand years for us? If we do time travel, we will see that it was about 4000 years between Adam and Jesus AND about 2000 years from Jesus to now. That is our 6000 years – 6 Days for God and with all the prophesies taken place are we going into the 7000 year? The rest year. What did He create the 6th day? He created male and female in His image to reign over the garden and to commune with them. Is this the time for redemption to be in His presence? Remember this year is also a Jubilee year. Is everything falling in place for His and our rest? The Rapture? If so, are you ready, your children, your family? Let us take note of the time and let us prepare for our Shabbat with Him.