Israel, a patriarchal FAMILY, is demonstrated over and over again to have tribal and clan identification. This is how we will be restored! The process is families to clans to tribes....
Now, i do expect in the future we may be 'adjusted' or moved by our Messiah from where we *think* we belong to where we actually belong, but in the meantime, it is incumbent upon us to learn and walkout tribalism at the family and clan level.
Walking out Yah's structure begins with MEN learning and teaching their respective families in proper authority structure, then begining to walk it out. As such families come together, the men learn mutual respect, communication, and what patriarchal eldership looks like.. Then, grow your clan by teaching the basics if leadership, patriarchy, family, etc in conjunction with Torah and the Besorah.
Further, grow your clan with outreach to those around. Find, bring in, and disciple new families in The Way and in what Scripture says re: authority, geadship, and family structure.