Hi everyone. Something weighs very heavy on my heart and I want your input on this. Yes, I may get negativity from this questions and yes I may loose friends but the questions that bothers me is this.

Why in the world are there so many believers that try to explain Yahuah, Yeshua and Ruach haKodesh, trying to figure out the time He will return, attacking each other for the way they understand the Scripture, making fun of each other, forcing their dreams and their word from Yahuah on social media ---- BUT NO-ONE ---- talks about the reality of the enemy around us ie., the illuminati, satan worshipping, the way pagans operate? Is it not true that we have to expose these things and learn how they operate to prepare us to win the battle? You have to know your enemy to conquer them. The devils are studying you to know your weaknesses and attack you. How difficult can it be to unite, in prayer, in the Word and fight the good fight with Yeshua by our side? Wake up believers! Yeshua said: a kingdom divided will never stand! UNITE!