Our walk is the most important part of our witness. If you think about it, it is probably the only part of our witness. You can get in front of all the people you want and teach all the Bible you want, but if you aren't living the life, the words you say mean nothing.

We've seen this happen over and over with famous preachers that end up being caught in things they should not be involved in. Their old sermons, whether they were truthful or not, are thrown out with them.

How do we not believe that we should be held at the same standard? Just because we aren't in front of people on a TV or Video platform, that doesn't mean we aren't representing God through our lives. If we are claiming to be His and telling others either by our words or things we where or places we go, we should be following Him in all we do.

This is a disconnect I saw in my own life before I started following the Bible for what it says, in other words started doing the Torah.

Yes, I went to church; yes, I believed in Jesus/Yeshua; yes, I would go to Christian concerts; yes, I would share my faith when I could. All these things lead me to be known by many for my faith. I've been called "holy roller", asked if I was "Catholic", been sought out to answer religious type questions.

But, I've also called people names that should have never left my mouth; I've treated people with disrespect who didn't do anything that would have caused such a reaction; I've cut people out of my life based on my perceptions when I didn't see the whole picture.

In other words, I wasn't totally walking like Yeshua walked. If you had asked me during any of those times, I wouldn't have batted an eye and said that of course I was still walking like Him.

This is where Torah comes in and just like Paul calling it a schoolmaster, it was something that showed me where I was failing. It showed me how to walk closer with Yeshua and be more like Him. It is something that has changed my life, for the better!

I now know that my life is a better witness than my life before ever was.


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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Witnessing - Being an example

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Witnessing - Being an example

Torah 4 Churchies: Witnessing - Being an example