Receiving Forgiveness

1 John 1:9 / Romans 10:9, 10 / Mark 11:23 / Matthew 21:22 (AMP) / Mark 9:24 / Psalm 32:1 (AMP) / Psalm 32:1-6 (MESSAGE) Romans 4:7, 8 (NIV) / Ephesians 1:4, 7 (AMP) / John 1:12 (NIV) / Revelation 12:11

Abba, Your Word teaches me that if I ask for forgiveness, You will forgive me and cleanse me from all righteousness. Help me to believe and help me to receive forgiveness for my past and present sins. As You forgive me, help me to forgive myself. I believe Yeshua is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He is my Adonai and I believe that He rose from the dead and through Him I am saved. Abba, Yeshua said that whatever I ask for in prayer, having faith and believing it, I will receive. Adonai, I believe, help me get rid of any lingering doubt. Abba, I am happy and count myself blessed, that I can start afresh, my slate is wiped clean. With this forgiveness I believe that You Abba are holding nothing against me or anything from me. When I keep all sins inside, my bones turn to powder and my words become daylong groans. The pressure never eases and it feels my life dries up. I am letting it all out and from now on I rid of my failures and lay it before You, Adonai. In the face of this feeling of guilt and unworthiness, I receive my forgiveness, and believe that the pressure is leaving me. My guilt dissolved and my sins disappear. I am blessed because I know You have forgiven my transgressions and removed my sins. Abba, You chose me in Moshiach before the foundation of this world, that I should be holy and blameless in Your sight, even above reproach, before You in love. In Yeshua, through His blood, I have redemption, the remission of my offenses, in accordance with the riches and the generosity of Your Gracious Favour. Abba, I have received Your Son Yeshua; I believe in Him and He gave me the right to become Your child. I acknowledge You Abba as my YHVH and my Creator. Thank You for forgiving me of all my guilt and sins. I am an overcomer by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony. Amein.