This year 2023 is almost over. For me it was a rough year. There were days when I had the most beautiful view and then there were days when I had to run barefoot over rocks just to get to a better place than yesterday... sometimes falling to my knees because I just didn't see a chance to go on and walk any further. Then there were days without trouble that I could walk calmly without looking or turning around. I did pick the most beautiful flowers (memories) in 2023, some of them I lost on the way but that's okay... there were thorns that stung me many times so that I days I just couldn't walk anymore... but that's also okay... For me, 2023 was a long road, sometimes without water, sometimes without oxygen and sometimes with torn shoes but it was a good road... Did I learn something? Absolutely! I learned: *That no one can walk the path for you but only with you -- *That no one can make you happy if you are not happy yourself -- *That no one will sort your bag of troubles, for you -- *That few people will help you in the end -- *That promises are sometimes empty words – *That giving up is never an option -- *That sometimes you just have to sit down and calm down and say thank you -- *That there will always be someone who will stand in the middle of your journey because they don't grant it to you - - *That you can only be the best version of yourself and to never lose heart in something you really want to achieve. Yes, there were good, bad and ugly, but I am looking forward to the new road 2024 that lies ahead. Thanks to everyone who made it to the end with me in 2023 -- I learned something from everyone. We don't know what lies ahead, but what I do know is that: *I need to get better shoes -- *A bigger backpack -- *More water and -- *So much more oxygen to tackle my new 2024 route. As for you: You must also: travel safely - love each other - help each other - dream together - laugh together and - make time for each other. Thank you all for your piece of heart that I could carry with me on my journey through 2023. May our YHVH Elohiym lead us on the unknown path of 2024 and may we never forget His Great Mercy. May the last few days of 2023 be full of sunshine and love and may our Adonai Elohiym always watch over you. May 2024 be filled with the selection of His blessings in your lives and may you all be part of my 2024 path.