'All green plants are for good.' Quoted from Genesis. If you are to stupid; which means to have a brain but not use it, to understand that Yahuah gave us medicine and food in the very beginning for our well being; praise Yahuah, then you are stuck in your religious mindset following in the same path as the masses. Idolatry is idolatry and to pretend that one idol is more evil than another idol is to say that you worship that idol you are defending. Only a fool worships idols and spits in Yahuah's face claiming, 'we have done enough to set ourselves apart and so other idolatry is good.' Wow, the Pharisees said the same thing and Judiasm was born. But hey, I'm just a nit picker and you are a bunch of perfect saints surpassing Yohanan the Immerser like he was standing still. More glorious then Mosheh and so righteous you can change Yahuah's Torah even though the Lěwites didn't even have that authority! Wow, like you must have already been saved and all sin is no longer sin. I understand, I convict to much and we are to strong against sin even though Yahuah said the masses would fall away and that only a very small remnant will be saved. Idolatry is okay if we translate it to the Hebrew language to change the Hebrew meaning of the word being claimed to be the Master? WRONG! SILENCE THE WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING OR THEY'LL RAVAGE THE TRUE FLOCK WITH THEIR WEAK BEHAVIOUR!! WE ARE TO BE COMPLETELY SET-APART FROM THE NATIONS' WAYS!! WHAT PART DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHEN YAHSHUA SAID YOU WILL BE HATED BY EVERYONE? YOU WILL BE ARRESTED AND MURDERED, BECAUSE YOU ARE SO DIFFERENT!! FOR THOSE WHO JUST WANT TO FIT IN, you are falling away.