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Seldom does Rabbi Steve Berkson do a “timing teaching”, but it seems the Ruach put this one in front of him (at the behest of Rabbi Tom) to bring to you today. This teaching series is based on a tradition called “Shabbat Shuva” or the “Shabbat of Return” which by tradition falls between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur (Day of Trumpets and Day of Atonement). The text for this tradition is Hoshea (Hosea) chapter 14 and begins with, “O Yisra’el, return to Yahweh your Elohim…”
So, after having gone through the Spring Feasts – Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Shavuot, which are types and shadows of the Hebrew's exodus from Egypt and journey to Mt. Sinai, have you maintained a faithful, straight walk in Torah? Or, have you gotten “off the path” a little or a lot? Do you sense a call to return to the path, to Yahweh?
• What is meant by “crookedness”? What does crookedness cause you to do?
• Regarding the call to return – return to what?
From there, Rabbi Berkson takes us into Leviticus chapter 26 to look at the reasons to return to the Covenant. In Leviticus chapter 26 the blessings and the curses associated with Yahweh’s Covenant with His people are listed.
• How is it that you will be able to walk in Covenant with the Creator?
From Leviticus, we go to Deuteronomy 4:25 where we can see that Yahweh has an issue with His people and their idol worship. How can we today relate to them in that time regarding ‘idol worship’?
Rabbi Berkson then takes us to Deuteronomy chapter 30 to show us one of the final exhortations of Moses to the people as they are about to cross over into the Promised Land. Interestingly, Yahweh through Moses told the people that in their future they would stray from the path they were supposed to walk and be taken from the Land by their enemies, but as they were living in a foreign land, their hearts would turn back to Yahweh and they would return once again to possess and live in their Promised Land.
• In this chapter we see the phrase, “circumcise your heart” – what does that mean? Isn't that just a "New Testament" concept? What is it doing left of Matthew?
And then we are taken to Romans chapter 10 where Rabbi Berkson points out that the apostle Paul is clearly writing about Torah observance, and indeed substitutes the word ‘Messiah’ for the word ‘Torah’ as he quotes Moses in the section from Deuteronomy chapter 30.
• What does Romans 10:4 really mean?
• What is “the righteousness of belief”?
• What is “the good news of the good”?
• Was there “Good News” before the New Testament?
Verse-by-verse and step-by-step Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us on the journey of discovery and learning how to covenant with our Creator and Father which from time to time requires us to turn around and return to His Word so that we can have a sure entrance into His Kingdom.
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Are You Covenanted?
• What Are You Thinking?
• INfocus: We Would Never Do That!
• Repentance
• Do You Know the Father and the Son?
• INfocus: The Delusion Bubble
• INfocus: Was the Law/Torah Nailed to the Cross?
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