Many believers are concerned about the future of this world. Massive changes are taking place in every outskirt of this earth. Some people find these changes acceptable and even welcome them but there are many that are unable to live with these changes. It remains an irrefutable fact however, that we live in the last days and in a strange world. Only YHVH knows what 2024 holds. History proved that a period of change is not new, nor is it unique. There were great changes throughout the ages. But for the believer, it is through their faith and through the strength that YHVH grants, all humankind has been able to take it in his stride and survive. The same YHVH Who was with us in 2023, is with us today and will be with us for the rest of 2024. This is what He said to us: “I, Adonai, do not change, so you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed!” – Malachi 3:6. So, put your complete trust in Yeshua Moshiach as you face this new year of 2024. Surrender yourself unconditionally to His Love and trusted care. Allow Him to prescribe the course of your life and to lead you into what lies ahead in 2024. You have no guarantee that you will have no problems to face, but you may rest assure that your journey in 2024, that stretch out before you will be safe. Your guide and companion is the living Moshiach, Who is the same today as He was in 2023 and will be in 2024. Storms may rage and your hearts may quiver with fear sometimes, but YHVH is with you to protect you from evil.

Heavenly Abba, as we are at the beginning of 2024, we come to You, our Almighty and omniscient YHVH, the One Who is able to see, not only the beginning of 2024 but also its end. Before we enter into a new unknown road, we must confess that we shall be safe only if our hands are in Yours with each step we take into the unknown. Though for many, 2024 that lies ahead may seem dark, grant us the courage to proceed by the light of our faith alone. If our eyes are unable to see Your hidden truths, help us to remain faithful to the truths You have made known to us and to which our eyes have been opened. Although we do not always know our destination, may we be thankful for each small step, You reveal to us. Though we may not always understand Your YHVHly nature, help us to rely on Your promises in a childlike way. Should our faith fail us from time to time, help us never to abandon the love and hope You have kindled in our hearts, and strengthen us in our struggle against our lack of faith. Should we fail to understand what You have in store for us in 2024, keep us from questioning Your will in a spirit of disobedience. Should we be successful in this new year of 2024, keep us grateful, humble and meek. Help us not to despair when disappointment or failure might come our way. Whether our dreams and ambitions are fulfilled, our whether our dreams may turn to ashes, embrace us with Your love and teach us, that in everything that happens to us, You have a plan for our lives. Fill us with Your Ruach Kodesh and let us rejoice in You throughout 2024. This we pray in the Name of Him Who, through His death, has made it possible for us to choose eternal life – Yeshua Moshiach our Adonai and Saviour, amen.

Adonai blesses thee in 2024
And keep thee in 2024
Adonai make His face shine upon thee in 2024
And be gracious unto thee in 2024
Adonai lift up His countenance upon thee in 2024
And give thee peace in 2024!