Blessed are You, Adonai our Elohim, for You come to us and seek to make Your home with us. Let our doors and our ears be open to You. Let our hearts find their rest and their joy in You and we may grow in grace and live to Your glory. We ask Your blessing upon all who proclaim the good news. We pray for preachers and evangelist, for teachers in schools. We pray for all at theological colleges. May we hear and receive Your Word that it may grow in us and that we may fully serve You. We pray for all who have never heard or have closed their minds to the gospel. We give thanks for the harvest of our world and for all who provide us with food and our needs. We pray for farmers and all who work in agriculture. We ask Your blessing upon all who suffer from a bad harvest. We pray for the world poor and the hungry. We ask Your guidance upon all who work for fair trade. We give thanks for our homes and pray that You will always be at home in our homes and in our hearts. We pray for the young who are growing in faith and for the nurture. May we all make room in our lives and in our days to know You and Your love. We pray for all who are struggling with their relationships and pray for all who have hardened their hearts. We ask Your guidance upon all who are caught up in the cares of this world, who are over-wrought and anxious. We pray for those who are fearful of what the future holds, for all who are lost in materialism and know no standards but those of wealth. We pray for all who have become poor in spirit. We ask Your blessing upon all who are ill or suffering and their loved ones who care for them. We give thanks for Your saints in glory and pray that our loved ones, family and friends may know the joy of Your Kingdom. We ask Your forgiveness for our sins and commend this world, our families and ourselves to Your unfailing love. We ask this in the Name of Your Son Yeshua Moshiach, amein.