Thank you for reading and following this series as I have been putting it out. I hope for those that have a different mindset than I do currently, that I have been able to present a case and provided something for you to go and research and pray on.

I do want to leave with a final thought. Acts 15 is often used in a defense of Christians not following the Law of Moses. However, in my experience when someone uses this chapter, they typically leave out verse 21.

Acts 15:21 - For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.

The instructions given in Acts 15 do include the learning of the Law of Moses. It was expected to be learned every Sabbath. There are no stipulations that they are learning this just for historical purposes or anything like that.

This text is right after the 4 commands are given that they are to immediately follow. This shows this is part of those instructions.

When keeping the Bible in context, and even this chapter in context, we see that Acts 15 is showing that no one is expected to keep every one of God's Commands perfectly from day 1. This is a journey with God, not a race.

Start out with the major things in your life that need to be corrected. For the new believers in Acts 15 it was things they were eating, ways they were worshipping, and sexual immorality.

Then everything else will be learned as you grow.

I hope those series has blessed you and yours.

EDITORIAL NOTE: For those that have been following since the start of this series a little over a year ago, you know that the intention was for this to be put together in a book. I have covered everything that I had outlined and planned. I am going to start putting everything together and editing it to prepare it. While doing this, if I find something I want to add to talk about or a new comic to be made, I'll publish it here first.

I do know that As The Torah Scrolls: Deuteronomy is getting close to wrapping up. My plan for ATTS was to release that in 5 book increments. As there isn't much editing to be done with that, once that series is wrapped up, I will put that together first, which may delay the release of T4C.

Thank you again for following and sharing this series. I have enjoyed putting it together. For Mondays, I do have a few ideas for some comics coming up. So don't worry, I'll still have something for this slot.

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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: In Summary

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: In Summary

Torah 4 Churchies: In Summary